Cocktail Watermelon Vodka
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mode_edit Published on 2020-10-31 rate_review 0 reviews
About the cocktail
The vodka drink can be combined with a lot of fruits and juices and this is the reason to be one of the preferred ingredients in the most popular cocktails. Our cocktails list is rich in different variants of sweet vodka drinks, so you can challenge yourself 🙂
The watermelon is one of these tastes that you never suspected can be a good vodka partner. They perfectly match and it’s really easy to prepare.
- 75 ml vodka
- 2 watermelon slices
Prepare one or two watermelon slices (as sweet as possible). Remove the seeds and put the watermelon into a cocktail blender. You can add some ice cubes if you link your drinks thicker. Blend the fruit and add the vodka. Mix the drink again very well and pour it into a cocktail class. You can decorate with a small watermelon slice. Cheers!
Alcohol Recipes Cocktails
Fruit cocktails
Summer cocktails
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